Welcome to our church website
We are a friendly and welcoming church in the village of Cambusbarron on the west side of Stirling and are part of the Church of Scotland Presbytery of Stirling.
We livestream services on YouTube and are available from Our Services to Watch and Listen to. We can also provide a CD of the service for anyone who does not have internet access.
A Community Hub is held in the Church Hall on Wednesdays from 1.30-3.30pm. This provides warmth and fellowship with others as well as tea/coffee and cakes and games. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Cambus Bairns is run on Wednesdays from 9.15am - 10.30am for parents/carers with pre-school children. A wide variety of toys are available and tea and coffee and juice are provided.
For our younger members of our congregation we have a "Together Time" during our services aimed at children. Sunday School meets during the service in the church hall. Teen Church is held fortnightly on Sunday evenings for teenagers within our congregation. This provides an opportunity for discussion, fellowship and activities.
As a parish church we are committed to serving not only our members but everyone who lives and works in our community. We are working with other local partners to try to ensure that the most vulnerable have the basics they need.
Our latest copy of Steeple News, our church magazine, is available here.
If you can, please consider making a regular donation to the Church by standing order if you do not already do so. A form is attached here.